Itsuki Minami is a school student notorious for engaging in street fights, a reckless punk that will break through any obstacle, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. ...
An epic drama set in 43AD as the Roman Imperial Army – determined and terrified in equal measure - returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia - a mysterious land ruled by warrior ...
In the mockumentary "How to Tatort," Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Luise Wolfram and Dar Salim have to prove that they have what it takes to be part of the "Tatort" team. In the style of a ...
A successful Atlanta attorney's long-lost childhood friends unexpectedly reappear after 25 years. When a dark secret they thought they'd buried resurfaces, the brotherhood bands ...
Tokonome Mamori is transferred to Mermaid - an artificial quarantine island for people with superpowers. When Mamori is attacked, a newly transferred girl named Mirei saves her. The ...