The story of the film focuses on a love triangle, revolves around a middle-class man who travels to a place called holud bani along with a single woman in search of a job. There, his ...
Tiki-Taka is a ZEE5 Original sports comedy movie starring Parambrata Chattopadhyay, Emona Enabulu, and Ritabhari Chakraborty. The movie revolves around Khelechi, an African national, ...
Dwitiyo Purush is a sequel of Baishe Srabon were Prosenjit Chatterjee dies at the end. In this film we will see Parambrata chattopadhyay as a police inspector who follows the path that ...
A tribute to the life and accomplishments of the legendary Bengali actor Soumitra Chatterjee, who was a pioneer in Indian cinema with a career spanning seven decades.
An American-born Bangladeshi scientist with suspected links to terrorism is looking for a Bengali couple to discover an uncanny nature of activities in their newborn son. Will they ...
Anirban is a professor who lives in Delhi with his wife Tanu and daughter Zinia. He is transferred to a lonely town named Kasauli. They enjoy a lot in the new city but their neighbors ...
After a foreign teenage tourist goes missing in a misty village, Kasturi, a frazzled local cop, is forced to team up with her city-bred successor, Angad, on a high-profile case that ...
Poulami, a school teacher and housewife, dreams of utilising her cooking skills to start her own business. But as she takes a bold step towards building her enterprise, will she find ...
Feluda and Topshe are to solve a case in Gangtok assigned by Mr. Sasadhar Bose. They are to look into the accidental death of his business partner Selvankar. What role does the ...
Shakya, a star singer yet tired of several failed relationships, decides to get hitched to a bride his mother has selected for him. But drama ensues, when Chandramauli, the bride's ...