Three teams of contestants go head-to-head in the daytime quiz show presented by Ranvir Singh. They answer questions to unlock a riddle set by the programme's Riddlemaster - Henry Lewis.
Four participants, two teams and one premise: don't drop the ball. English actor and comedian Paddy McGuinness presents this new game show, that combines brains with physical abilities. ...
Follows two celebrities as they go head-to-head-in a cook-off and squash their beef with knives in hand, spices on the rack and ready to prepare the best dish.
A young girl, Nan Xing (played by Shen Yue), who loves to write, accidentally summons the villain Xiao Wudi (played by Chen Zhe Yuan) from the novel she wrote when she makes a wish. The ...
Behind their sweet relationship is a love that is filled with bitterness and lies. Nulek felt her heart has been slashed when she suspects her boyfriend Mek, whom she thought was her ...
Isa and Gaby, a couple in their forties, parents of 3 children from 8 to 16 years, strive to be up to their task, while juggling their marital duties. On the agenda, disagreements, ...
Kindaichi Hajime is a high school student and a private detective with an IQ of 180. He solves murder cases that are riddled with difficult clues. Kindaichi Hajime works with his ...